27 September 2012

RSA Institute Deadline


The deadline is fast approaching for RSA Institute and you should sign up now!

On top of the fact that it'll be held at our very own lovely campus (quite the honor in itself), and that you'll save tons in travel/hotel fees (since you probably already live here), there is a huge added bonus for KU students to sign up--there is a phat discount! On a personal note...I went two summers ago and it was an invaluable experience.

So, yeah, if you get a chance, at LEAST do a workshop.

Check out the message below from the lovely director (our very own Dave Tell).

As you know, KU is hosting the Rhetoric Society of America Institute in the Kansas Union and Oread Hotel June 2-9, 2013. This is good news for all of us for a lot of reasons. I want to bring one reason to your immediate attention.

Although it has not been publically advertised, there is a special rate for KU grad students to attend the Institute. You can attend even if you are serving on the "local team" helping to arrange the conference. You SHOULD take advantage of this. It is the cheapest way to be a part of an RSA Institute.

If you haven't taken the time yet to learn about the Institute, check it out here.

Check out the amazing list of leaders we are bringing in (and the amazing topics we will cover). As you will see, we are bringing over 50 senior scholars to campus from across the country (and the world!). About half of them come from English depts, half from COMS depts.

Finally, apply here.

The application deadline is only days away, so act quickly.

The $ Lowdown: How cheap is it? KU grad students may attend a Seminar for $305, that's $210 off the published non-member price. KU grad students may attend a Workshop for $205, that's $110 off the published non-member price.

Do you have questions? Please ask me!


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