05 September 2014

General Meeting Minutes from Sept 4

ARS Rhetorica General Meeting

Members in attendance:
Chelsea Graham (Chair)
Lindsay Harroff (Co-Chair)
Amanda Sladek (Secretary)
Angela Murphy (Treasurer)
Charlene Summers (Social Events Chair)
Emily Bosch
Vince Meserko
Michael Eisenstadt
Julie Perino
Daniel Overton
Liz Miller

1. Introductions

2. Summary of last year:  fall--Childers/Farmer research talk and RSA abstract workshop; spring--Rosa Eberly and Big Event

3. Ideas for scholarly events this year: 
  • Non-academic job search workshop 
  • RSI application workshop (applications are due Oct 1, so it should happen before then; perhaps the graduate write-in on Sept 20 would be a good day/venue) 
  • Some sort of discussion of disciplinary differences between COMS and English--maybe workshopping one article from each discipline
  • Scholars to bring in? Vanessa Beasley is an option. Look for official email asking for suggestions in the coming week.
    • We need to know how much fundraising we'd have to do.
  • General consensus that Thursday afternoons should work for events/meetings for most members
4. Service event:  Service event is mandatory for campus organizations. Big Event in spring is always easy to coordinate. Thoughts about doing service event that ties into civic dialogue about something like campus sexual violence. Practice what we preach--rhetoric matters!

5. Goals for this year:  more fundraising and increased campus presence (in terms of both membership and visibility)

6. Angela is Grad Affairs Director and wants to recruit more graduate senators. Contact her if interested or if you have an issue you would like her to address. Vince is GSO President for Comm Studies, so bring any issues to him as well.

7. Fundraising ideas:
  • Silent auction where members auction off homemade goods (baked and knitted things, etc.) and services (babysitting, airport rides, etc.). Possibly tied to an end-of-year social with faculty.
  • Sell KUAR tshirts
  • English v. COMS kickball game
  • Senate funding (Angela says each campus group gets $100 automatically)
  • Basically, anything but cleaning up Allen Fieldhouse. Contact exec board with any suggestions. 
8. Social event ideas:
  • Bowling (maybe costume bowling around Halloween)
  • Halloween party
  • End-of-year party
  • Playing a sport (possibly tied to fundraiser) or going to a sporting event (Sporting KC, basketball, etc.)
9. Please bring any comments or suggestions to the executive board. Chelsea adjourns meeting.

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