26 March 2015

Big Event, Executive Board Elections, and T-Shirts!

Lots of Ars Rhetorica news to report!

For our service project this year, we're once again volunteering to help with KU's Big Event. We've done this the last several years, and it involves performing various tasks (light yard work and the like) for Lawrence residents. KU requires all campus organizations to complete a service event each year, and this is a fun way to fulfill that requirement without a significant time commitment (and I believe you get a t-shirt).

The Big Event will be held on Saturday, April 18 from 10-2. If you are able to join us, please email Charlene Summers (cksummers@ku.edu) at your earliest convenience. We can't register our group until we have enough volunteers. You can also contact Charlene with any questions.

In other news, it's time to elect a new executive board for KUAR's 2015-2016 academic year! We're currently asking for nominations for Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Events Coordinator. Serving on the exec board is a great way to get a service line on your CV, and it's easy to fit into your busy grad student schedules. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else for any of these positions, please let Amanda Sladek (asladek@ku.edu) know by Monday, April 13. We will then give the nominated people a chance to accept or decline their nominations before sending out the ballot. Email Amanda if you would like a description of any or all of the offices.

Finally, thank you to everyone who submitted an idea for our KUAR t-shirt design contest. Be on the lookout for an announcement soon regarding our final selection and how to order one of your very own!

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