30 January 2013

Bylaws: Proposed Changes


Welcome back to the crazies of spring semester. You'll be happy to hear that KU Ars Rhetorica has some HUGE things in store over the next few months! The first that concerns KU Ars Members is a significant change to the bylaws of KU Ars Rhetorica. 

The executive committee met last week and decided it would be in the best interest to immediately add an "Events Coordinator" position to the Executive Committee of KU Ars Rhetorica. 

You may be asking yourself, "Why does this concern me?" Well there are two reasons:

1) We have made the proposed changes to the bylaws, and are emailing out the changes to make sure there is no opposition to them (per the bylaws). So please peruse over the edits, and let us know if you have any concerns by February 6, 2013.  

2) Providing there are no major objections, we will be accepting nominees for the new position and will be sending out an announcement for a vote in the next week or two. 

Keep in touch and stay tuned for what may be KU Ars' biggest semester ever!

Spring 2013: Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

January 25, 2013

Meeting Begins: 2:38PM
In attendance:
Evan Center, Chair
Jennifer Nish, Co-Chair
Chelsea Graham, Treasurer
Erin Murray, Secretary

1.       First item on the agenda was to discuss the Spring scholarly event with Jeffrey Bennett (Iowa)
-          Discussed funding; including budget for lodging, travel, and food and disbursement
-          Discussed a proposed schedule for Bennett’s 3 day stay (April 10-12)
o   Welcome Dinner/Happy Hour
o   Visit to class/colloquium/meet & greet lunch or brunch
-          Discussed filming and promotion (print and social media) of scholarly event to promo and share with RSA

2.       Second item on agenda was to discuss the planning of the Spring Meeting & Spring Social Event/Service Event
-          When/where (tentative: Oread/Bird Dog Bar @ 5PM, Thursday, Feb. 21)
-          Finalized details will be announced via social media/listserv
-          Idea of maybe Big Brothers/Big Sisters as service event (bowling?); will be discussed at the Spring Meeting
-          Spring Meeting to include discussion of Summer RSI, as well

3.       Third item on the agenda was to discuss the possibility of adding a new position to the executive board: Social Chair
-          Decision will be made through vote by all Ars Rhetorica members
-          Details to be discussed through listserv/social media and Spring Meeting

Meeting End: 3:25PM

25 January 2013

Wanna publish?

Dr. Jay Childers passed along this fantastic article on publishing for rhetoricians from none other than Dr. Cara Finnegan. Enjoy!

"Setting aside visual politics for a moment, I want to share some of the ideas I presented at the recent Midwest Winter Workshop in Iowa City...This year I was asked to join Jeff Bennett and John Lucaites on a panel about publishing. Given that I review a fair number of manuscripts, I decided to talk about issues I frequently encounter as a reviewer, and how I try to help authors address them..."