26 January 2011

Welcome, welcome

So, here's KU Ars Rhetorica. You can call us KUAR or Ars Rhetorica for short.

When Rachel and I sat down last semester to discuss forming an RSA grad student group, we both talked about needing opportunities to do something with our rhetorical interests among our fellow rhetorically-minded grad students. Knowing that interests in rhetoric aren't the exclusive purview of English studies folk, we started thinking of ways to make this an interdisciplinary group. So we invited Kundai to be in on the organizing action, and that's the story of that!

We're still getting things settled and organized ahead of our first meeting. This blog is one of those preparatory things: we'd like to have a common site for posting things of interest to rhetorically-minded grad students (so we can stop cluttering each other's Facebook feeds) and for keeping everyone abreast of goings-on in KUAR. And we're hoping for a lot of goings-on... More about that in the near future.

Ultimately, we're hoping that KUAR will give us all a chance to talk about and do the things we'd like to do as grad students in rhetoric but haven't had the opportunity to (yet). So the group is going to be pretty fluid: it will be whatever you make of it. You're welcome to come help us start that making process!

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