02 February 2011

First meeting time and place

Looks like the first meeting of KU Ars Rhetorica will come directly after the next Communications colloquium, which is Wednesday 9 Feb at about 5pmish. Kundai, Rachel, and I discussed whether we wanted to intrude on the Coms students' usual post-colloquium happy hour. But the post-colloquium time seemed best because we're hoping to encourage some of the English folk to come to the colloquium first. The colloquium is in the Mallott Room of the Kansas Union, so we'll stay in the Union for the KUAR meeting (finalized room location yet to be determined since the University is on snow lock-down), and then we'll join the happy hour that's going on at the Oread at about 5:30-5:45 or so.

When we get the room location in the Union for the KUAR meeting finalized, we'll send out an official email with all the details.

So, mark your calendars! Wednesday 9 Feb @ 5ish @ Kansas Union

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