04 February 2011

What Exactly is the KUAR Blog?

Welcome to all who have recently (and not so recently) discovered our KU Ars Rhetorica Blog! Here you will find updates on meetings, events on campus, and various interests our members are discovering with rhetoric and the world. On the sidebar we have links to our Twitter page, the official RSA page, and other important sites you might be interested in following.

Who writes on the KUAR page? Well, if you become a member of KUAR, you'll automatically be invited to become an author - we're hoping to create a fun, informative, and dynamic web space where we can share
news and dabble in electronic authorship together. For those new to the blog-o-sphere, you can see who the author is of each post at the bottom of the entry and we invite comments and thoughts on the various entries! The Chair, Co-Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer, however, do reserve the right to monitor the entries each semester just to make sure the direction of the blog, and group, remain positive, appropriate, and a good representation of KUAR.

Take a few moments to check out the whole blog - we have a lot of great posts already, including ones on the Communications Colloquium schedule, info on our first meeting, and other good resources for those interested in Rhetoric. Welcome, and have fun!

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