10 February 2011

News of the Weird: Dr. Frankenstein on Trial at MU

I'm a Tiger, and I still get Mizzou emails. Mizzou doesn't indulge quirk very often, but here's a pretty large dose of quirk coming from the Law School:

MU School of Law Puts Dr. Frankenstein on Trial

Why not? Mizzou has a group called the Historical and Theatrical Trial Society (HATTS) that stages trials for people accused of crimes or wrongdoings. With Dr. Frankenstein's trial, they take a look at a literary figure for the first time.

This is interesting to me because
after the Communication colloquium last nite, I had a lovely chat with a grad student whose specialization is Law Communication. Fascinating stuff! I didn't know that such a specialization existed, but I shouldn't have been surprised, given the ancient roots of rhetoric (the grad student clarified that she's not a "rhetoric" student) and formalized discourse about communication. There's something genuinely interesting going on here at the intersection of aesthetic, performed, legal, and (of course) rhetorical discourse...

FYI, you can read the plaintiff's petition via the website I've linked to above if you want to know the specifics of the accusation...

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